Sunday, September 3, 2017

Cyber Bullying - Who's in charge

The problem today is we as a society never unplug. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I can be contacted 24/7. When this becomes a problem is when individuals are being bullied. There is no escape when it comes to cyber bullying. It doesn't stop when you leave home if it's family, or when you leave school if it's other kids. There is no escape. No time to put any shell around you for protection.  Who do you talk to, where do you go? First things first never put up with it in quiet, tell someone, anyone. So who do you tell? That depends on where the messages are from. I believe the first line of defense is a parent or other trusted adult. A school counselor for example. There will always be bullies and with the increase in technology there are ways to block messages and numbers from individuals. The best we can do is help our kids understand it is not them it is the bully who has the issue. Also when bullying turns threatening involve the authorities. A threat is a threat no matter how it is delivered, and when sent over media the proof is in the pudding. As long as we allow bullying the bullies will always find a way to get to their target. Is it right? No, but in this world the best we can hope for is to love our kids and teach them what is right. For the parents , BE INVOLVED !!! Know what is going on in your kids lives, be there for them so they know they can come to you with anything.

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